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Join the corporate climate leaders  working to protect tropical forests

LEAF Corporate Participants

LEAF corporate participants are a community of climate leaders committed to ending deforestation by building a market for high integrity forest carbon credits. 

Working with sovereign donors, forest governments and civil society, LEAF corporations support Indigenous Peoples, protect biodiversity and help forest nations work at scale to achieve their sustainable development goals. 

LEAF is designed to give companies access to high integrity, predictably priced forest carbon credits from countries dedicated to ending deforestation. Payments reward forest governments for reducing deforestation, incentivize them to increase ambition and provide an income stream to invest in sustainable economies based on living forests.


Over 25 major companies are committed to tackling deforestation

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The LEAF Proposition 

LEAF enables high-ambition corporations to reach their climate, nature and people goals on their journey to net zero. Corporations gain access to the highest quality forest carbon credits from Forest Governments via the LEAF Coalition to help deliver:

Fund Management and Reporting

For more information on how proceeds from LEAF credit sales are responsibly managed, read Emergent’s comprehensive principles for fund management and reporting below:

LEAF Buyers' Criteria 

LEAF’s stringent buyers’ criteria ensure that all action is additional to deep value chain emissions cuts. To participate in The LEAF Coalition private sector buyers must: 

Publicly commit to quantified and independently verified science-based decarbonization targets (validated by SBTi or an equivalent target-setting body/approach). Private sector buyers should have set SBTi or equivalent targets (as above) before taking title to ERRs.

Publicly commit to mid-century net zero targets covering all three scopes.

Publicly report a greenhouse gas emissions inventory following the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHGP).

Separately report publicly any use of ERRs or other carbon credits, including purpose of use and whether they are being used towards any science-based decarbonization target. The buyer's use of ERRs in the context of their greenhouse gas reporting, or public claims involving the use of ERRs against emissions, should be independently audited or verified.

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David Radermacher, Vice President Sustainability and Climate, E.ON

‘E.ON strongly supports the approach of jurisdictional emission reduction programmes. We believe that especially government-led, large-scale initiatives can initiate long-term political change towards forest protection.’

What are LEAF Corporates saying? 

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Kara Hurst, Head of World Sustainability, Amazon

‘LEAF provides an ambitious, high-integrity model for how companies can drive actual verified reduction in deforestation emissions at an unprecedented scale.’

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Thomas Lingard, Global Sustainability Director – Climate and Environment, Unilever 

‘Protecting tropical forests offers one of the biggest opportunities for climate action in the coming decade. The motivation behind LEAF, which Unilever is aligned to, is to raise global climate ambition and contribute to tropical forest protection.’

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Adele Cheli, Partnerships & Strategy Director, Environmental Sustainability, GSK

‘We believe the LEAF Coalition offers an effective and credible mechanism to have real and systemic impact on climate, nature and health.’

Get in Touch

To find out more about how your company can participate in the LEAF Coalition, please fill in the form to contact:


Edwina McKechnie

Executive Vice President of Corporate Engagement Emergent

Thanks for reaching out, a member of the team will be in touch soon.

News and Updates


Access our full list of LEAF documents and resources below:

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